Seven Vande Bharat train services have been run by the Indian Railways. It will be the seventh Vande Bharat service in the nation once the trains between Delhi and Jaipur begin running. The journey time between Delhi and Jaipur will be less than two hours thanks to this route.
The Railway Board will build a maintenance depot in Jaipur for this purpose. $30 billion will be spent building the depot. Such trains will run from Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Kota, Sriganganagar, and Udaipur by the year 2023.
The Vande Bharat train between Delhi and Jaipur is anticipated to launch next month. A new depot is therefore required. Testing of wiring and equipment will also be done at this location.
This train was entirely created in India. In just 52 seconds, it can reach a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. The train can travel at a top speed of 160 km/h. 200 km/hr will be the scaled-down peak speed. The seats on the train can fold 180 degrees.
Additionally, it features power backup, vacuum toilets, and CCTV cameras. In addition, you can use the one-push stop feature rather than the conventional chains used on regular trains.
With the inauguration of the Vande Bharat express connecting the two cities, the train trip between Jodhpur and Jaipur would also be shortened. Normally, the trip between the two ancient cities takes six hours. The trip will take two hours once these trains are running.
The trip will take two hours once these trains are running.The train in Rajasthan just completed a testing run at a speed of 180 km/h. Additionally, plans call for depots at Ganganagar and Jodhpur.